Inspired by the popular anime series “Neon Genesis Evangelion.” The pillows feature two well-known characters, Rei Ayanami (with blue hair) and Asuka Langley Soryu (with orange hair), depicted in a cute chibi style, making them especially appealing and suitable for fans of all ages. Each pillow showcases distinct details that reflect the characters’ school uniforms and personalities.
Product Features:
Size: 32 cm (height)
Material: Soft and durable polyester fabric
Design: Chibi-style Evangelion characters Rei Ayanami and Asuka Langley Soryu
Care: Machine washable on a gentle cycle
Perfect for:
Collectors: An ideal addition to any Evangelion collection.
Gifts: A perfect gift for Evangelion fans.
Decoration: Great for decorating sofas, beds, or playrooms.
These pillows are comfortable to hold and hug, adding a touch of anime charm to any space.
28,90 €
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