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“One Piece” King of Artist The Monkey.D.Luffy Gear5 Ⅱ figure 15cm

Welcome to the world of “One Piece” fans, where every detail is perfect! The King of Artist The Monkey.D.Luffy Gear5 Ⅱ original figure is a unique collectible that brings the legendary Luffy to life, ready to showcase his new “Gear 5” form. The figure stands at exactly 15 cm tall and is made from high-quality materials to capture all of his extraordinary movements and distinctive features.

The Luffy Gear5 figure is posed dynamically and in great detail, highlighting his immense strength and the incredible abilities he now possesses. Every detail of the figure has been meticulously crafted, from his iconic towel appearance to the energy bursts that add even more intensity to the design.

The precise color choices, exceptional finishes, and the stabilized position of the figure make it a fantastic addition for any “One Piece” fan looking to enhance their collection.

Celebrate Luffy’s latest development and add this impressive and unique King of Artist figure to your “One Piece” collection!


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